Seamless System Integration Platform

PikoCONNECT serves as a pivotal integration hub within the Piko suite, designed to seamlessly connect enterprise systems such as Access Control and Alarm systems. This powerful platform streamlines communication and data exchange between disparate security components, ensuring a unified and cohesive security strategy. By enabling real-time synchronization and interoperability between critical security systems, PikoCONNECT enhances situational awareness and operational efficiency. Organizations can now manage and monitor their security infrastructure from a single interface, leveraging advanced integration capabilities to respond swiftly to security events and maintain robust protection across all layers of their enterprise. Ideal for complex environments requiring a harmonized security approach, PikoCONNECT is the cornerstone of modern, integrated security management, offering flexibility, scalability, and enhanced control.




Piko's technology adeptly gathers comprehensive data from a vast network of sources, including video feeds, transactional systems, and access controls, ensuring a rich collection of real-time and historical information. Through advanced integration capabilities, Piko seamlessly connects disparate systems and devices, creating a unified security ecosystem that enhances situational awareness and operational efficiency. Piko's philosophy emphasizes turning insights into action, ensuring security threats and operational issues are promptly resolved with precise, integrated responses.

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Cook Solutions Group
9225 NE Cascades Parkway
Portland OR 97220

Phone number:

(844) 305-COOK

Our home office and headquarters office is open:

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM

Network operations center service hours are:

7 Days a Week 5 AM - 10 PM PST

Piko is a Cook Solutions Group product. Cook Solutions Group has been a leader in the security and retail banking spaces since 2002. Learn more about Cook Solutions Group, and its other products, at CookSolutionsGroup.com